The Secret Is Not to Do Less OR More

Focus on What You Value quote Gretchen Rubin sm

This quote from “Happiness Expert” Gretchen Rubin stopped me in my tracks today. The secret of adulthood, she says, is to “Focus not on doing less or doing more but on doing what you value.” I’m always trying to pare things down. Cut back. Say no more often. And yes, do less. I’m convinced that if I can do that, then I’ll feel like I’m in more control of my life. I’ll feel like I’m really living and not just running from one thing to the next on my to-do list.

What it usually makes space for, though, is a little extra time in front of the TV. Scrolling through Facebook status updates. Answering email. Posting pics on Instagram. Nothing that really means much to me in the long run.

So I think she’s onto something here. It’s not about doing less or doing more, really. We need to identify those things that we value most and make them a priority. Whenever I do that, it’s amazing how everything else seems to fall into place.

What’s important to you? Does it get the kind of focus it deserves?

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Category: Inspirational Quotes

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- November 19, 2013